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April 1, 2015

Debut novellas published online

A FIRST-TIME novelist has broken into homo-erotic fiction - with a trilogy of novellas exploring submission and power relationships.

Revelation, Renaissance and Retirement are the three titles that go together as A slave's voyage of self-discovery.

They can now be downloaded from Amazon as Kindle titles for $6.95 each.

UK-based author Christopher Charlton, 58, said: 'I was very influenced by John Preston's Master series of short novels and I wanted to explore other aspects of the submissive mentality.

'I confress that ideas and inspiration came from friends as well as both dominant and submissive men from whom I have learned technical skills and about the psychology of power relationships.

'Each title is also dedicated to guys for whom I have the greatest admiration and respect,' he added.

Chris Charlton's personal exploration of submission and domination came when he was a young man. Getting to events in the United States from the early 1990s and learning from the writings of key figures such as Fledermaus, Guy Baldwin, Race Bannon and Joseph Bean in Drummer magazine provided further inspiration and education.

Revelation is the tale of a man in his early 20s who finds fulfilment with a master twice his age. Renaissance tells of a guy who is supported as he rediscovers a deep, loving submissive and all-important aspect of his psyche.

Retirement then tells how, for one man, the end of one chapter of his life provided an open to the very different, hard, but charmed world of service and submission.

Each, said Chris, brings together aspects of power exchange with SM, affection and mutual appreciation as the diametric opposites of dominance and submission within a formality that stimulates the imagination and keeps the romance alive, the relationships fresh and exciting.

'Having, after several years, been finally able to see the novellas published, I hope that they will be enjoyed and appreciated,' he added.

Chris Charlton, 58, is a journalist and author whose works include homo-erotic fiction and covering health. He has worked as a health educator and communications consultant.